Welcome to Seerat.ca

krnYl isMG pfrs dy qur jfx ‘qy

XfdF dI aYlbm - dIdfr isMG prdysI


- surjIq pfqr

jdoN mYN ieMdrf gFDI srkfr dy qÉq nUM ‘AultfAux dI ÈfijÈ’ rcI.


- ajmyr isMG aOlK

bdly rMg smyN dy
rMg muhwbq dy


- bUtf isMG cOhfn

XfdF dI kbr ‘coN


- amIn milk



- iekbfl rfmUvflIaf

ho ho dunIaF clI jFdI aY vIr…


- blivMdr gryvfl

kfmryz surjIq nfl myrIaF mulfkfqF


- gurpRIq isMG

sfrf mr geI hY pr sfrf vrgIaF nUM jLrUr ijLMdf rihxf cfhIdf hY!


- cmn lfl

sqrµgI pING


- suirµdr sohl

gLdr pfrtI sQfpnf sLqfbdI-2013: sfQoN kuwJ afs krdI hY
vgdy diraf vrgI gLdr lihr


- amolk isMG

XfdF dy JroKy ‘coN


- jspfl jwsI

suKpfl dI kfiv-idRÈtI
(‘rhxu ikQfAU nfih’ dy afDfr `qy)


- virafm isMG sMDU



- krqfr isMG duwgl

“mYnUM ikRsms vfsqy kI cfhIdf hY” (1897)


- rObrt ieMgrsol

mfipaF dI iswiKaf


- sfDU ibinMg

mn prdysI jy QIeY


- blivMdr kOr brfV

pMCIaF pRqI bdl rhI pMjfbIaF dI lok-mfniskqf


- muKvIr isMG

sYks, vfqsfien, Prfiez qoN EÈo qwk / ipafr irÈiqaF dy cOrfhy ivwc


- jsbIr dusFJ

suMdr kOx--?


- BfeI hrpfl isMG kLsUr

mINh nfl sMbMiDq anuÈTfn


- DIrj isMG

iPr vI mfx hY afpxy ipMz Auqy…


- govrDn gwbI

mOilk+axCpI / ……qy mY Aus bfry kuwJ nF ilK sikaf.


- gurpRIq isMG qMgorI

drd hfËr hY!


- jspfl jwsI

kivqf qy gËlF


- suirMdr sIrq

nIly qfiraF dI mOq


- joigMdr kYrON

pRkfsL kOr-sLONkx myly dI


- iekbfl mfhl

XfdgfrI ho inwbVI gfiek rfjysL rfjU nfl gIqF BrI sLfm



- AuNkfrpRIq

quhfzy KLq

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