Welcome to Seerat.ca

nfrI mn df afqm pRkfsL


- surjIq pfqr

dysI dosq, prdysI drsLn


- gurbcn isMG Bwulr

dyK kbIrf


- ikrpfl kjLfk

pMCI AuWz nI igaf


- inMdr GuigafxvI

dysLF ivcoN dysL ieh myrf, dysL hoieaf prdys
ivc prdysF ikqy vI jfeIey, idl ivc DVky dysL


- amolk isMG

afpxI pIV


- hrpRIq syKf

kI swcmuc bObI ijMdl dI ijwq mfx vflI gwl hY?


- gurpRIq isMG (host_ryzIE ieMzIaf, srI)

jgjIq nOsLihrvI dIaF pMj kivqfvF

guMmnfm cYNpIan dI gfQf


- ipRM[ srvx isMG

iewQy swB cldf hY


- sMqoK DflIvfl

jÈn jfrI hY


- dyivMdr kOr

bfgI ho jfx dy mfxXog rfhIN quridaF


- zf[suirMdr mMz

myry bcpn vwl KuwlHdI iKVkI

- jsvIr isMG rfxf

nnkfxf sfihb dy drsLnF dy bhfny


- virafm isMG sMDU

‘glIaF myry sLihr dIaF’ qwk myrf sPLr

- rfjU sihdyv


- nItf blivMdr

lVIvfr axCipaf nfvl
nIly qfiraF dI mOq-4


- joigMdr kYroN

hlkf-Pulkf ivaMg
mfstr Guwg sYn

- crnjIq isMG pMnU

jy mnuwK dy isMg huMdy


- blijMdr sMGf

mYnUM vI irsLvq dyxI peI


- igafnI sMqoK isMG afstRylIaf



- krnYl isMG

dV vwt qy JWt lMGf


- amrjIq isMG sMDU

pSjfb dy vrqmfn sSdrB ivwc bfby nfnk nMU arjoeI


- ieSdrjIq isMG

duMm Cwlf


- ikrpfl kjLfk

asIN vI ‘BeIey’ hF


- supn sMDU

quhfzy KLq

The Seerat.ca uses embedded fonts (or dynamic fonts) technology to display Punjabi characters on its Website. This technology is available with the following web browsers:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 5 or Higher

  • Netscape Communicator 4.75 to 4.79
    (Do not use Netscape  6.0 or higher as they do not support Dynamic Fonts)

If however you experience any difficulties in displaying or printing the embedded fonts, please download and install the following Punjabi fonts on your computer.


Step 1. Download the Punjabi Font (SEERAT.TTF). To download now, Click here to download font
Step 2. A Window Opens asking for "Open it from Current Location" or "Save to Disk" - Choose "Save to Disk" and press OK.
Step 3. Choose a location to save the file (SEERAT.TTF). And remember that.
Step 4. After the files get fully downloaded and extracted,
Step 5. Click on FILE>>INSTALL NEW FONT.
Step 6. Choose the location of the font file (SEERAT.TTF) where you stored it during download.

The font will now appear in the "List of Fonts"

Step 7. Select the Font SEERAT and press OK.
Step 8. Your Font File (SEERAT.TTF) has been installed now.

You will have normally no problem in viewing our pages once the font (SEERAT.TTF) is installed properly.


  • I downloaded the font but still do not see the Punjabi text.

    You may have to remove your System Cache and Internet files, Cookies etc.

    Follow these simple steps:

    - On your Internet Explorer, go to Tools>>Internet Options
    - Under Temporary Internet Files, Click on "Delete Cookies".
    - Once that is complete click on "Delete Files"
    - After this, click on "Clear History"
    - Press OK.

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Website Designed by Gurdeep Singh - +91 98157 21346