Welcome to Seerat.ca

suÉn surjIq pfqr dy / ardfs


- surjIq pfqr

isrV qy isdk dy bfvjUd ivÈfl lok lihr nf AuWsr skI sfQoN


- jgjIq isMG afnMd

jdoN mYN ieMdrf gFDI srkfr dy qÉq nUM ‘AultfAux dI ÈfijÈ’ rcI.


- ajmyr isMG aOlK

kvIÈrI nfÜ pihlI CyVKfnI


- iekbfl rfmUvflIaf

kuJ ichry


- blivMdr gryvfl

myrf ipMz aqy myrI mF


- amIn milk

bdly rMg smyN dy
ruldU rfm df dfa


- bUtf isMG cOhfn

GuwgU GuigafxvI


- cUhV isMG bwjoN

dosqI leI viDaf hwQ


- sfDU ibinMg

idl vflf duKVf


- jsvMq isMG GirMzf

rMgmMc dy sPLr ‘qy


- hIrf isMG rMDfvf

afvin aTqrY jfin sqfnvY


- BfeI hrpfl isMG ksUr

iÈkfrI ik iÈkfr?


- kml kMg

pfry df lwzU


- guirMdr Zwt

ibMb, bMb aqy kivqf

- AuNkfrpRIwq

pMjfbIaF ivc aMgryËF dI ajIbo grIb nsl


-zf[ ruipMdr jIq igwl

kI bxUM lyKkF df[[[?


- inMdr GuigafxvI

nIly qfiraF dI mOq


- joigMdr kYrON

awsI sflf gwBrU- jgq isMG jwgf


- iekbfl mfhl

ieAuN qF jwgoN sIr muwk jU


- zf[ blivMdr kOr brfV

kMjkF df pfT kridaF


- joigMdr bfT hOlYz

sYks-vfqsfien, Prfiez qoN EÈo qwk
sYks aqy mnuwKI jIvn


- jsvIr dusFJ

jdoN mYN "kfiql" bxdf bxdf bicaf


- surjIq Bgq



- sMqoK DflIvfl

lVIvfr nfvl
prfieaf Dn


- sfDU isMG DfmI

“mn”-“bcn”-“krm” qoN swc kohF dUr


- ipRMsIpl jgjIq isMG

afp dIaF kuwJ bfp dIaF


- jI[ iswDU[ ihMmqpurf

ivaMg / "koeI hor skIm nHI iqafr kIqI …? "


- iÈvcrn jwgI kuwsf

rfjf kRnfl


- seId Butf

afpxf dyÈ ikhVf hY?

- hrkIrq sMDr

pihlI Xfqrf pfiksqfn dI

- igafnI sMqoK isMG

quhfzy KLq

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  • Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 5 or Higher

  • Netscape Communicator 4.75 to 4.79
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Step 3. Choose a location to save the file (SEERAT.TTF). And remember that.
Step 4. After the files get fully downloaded and extracted,
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Step 6. Choose the location of the font file (SEERAT.TTF) where you stored it during download.

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    - Under Temporary Internet Files, Click on "Delete Cookies".
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    - Press OK.

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