Welcome to Seerat.ca

suÉn surjIq pfqr dy / ÈIÈy qy ichry


- surjIq pfqr

krdy gfÜF df ijQy siqkfr lokIN


- ajmyr isMG aOlK

qUMbI dI qux qux


- iekbfl rfmUvflIaf

dyÈ Bgq XfdÊfr hfl dI qfkq


- virafm isMG sMDU

bdly rMg smyN dy / murgI pwg bx geI


- bUtf isMG cOhfn

knyzIan BvjlF ‘c goqy KFdf, ruVHdf jFdf - cfcf mfnF


- ipRMspl blkfr isMG bfjvf

ijgr df tukVf


- rmxIk sMDU

kYnyzf ivWc pSjfbI nftk


- iqRlocn isSG igWl

buwZy diraf df BYa


- suKdyv iswDU

adfkfrI dy Kyqr ‘c cmkdy icrfgL – blqyj iswDU qy jsivMdr bwbU


- gurpRIq mfn

iPlm ngrI dy XfdF dy JroKy ‘coN


- nvdIp sihdyv

pRvfsI khfxI


- kuljIq mfn

glp dy aMg sMg


- svrn cMdn

pMjfbI df swiqafnfs


- amrjIq cMdn

nËm / dsvMD-iekvMD


- AuNkfrpRIq

lihMdy pMjfb qoN musLqfk sUPLI dIaF pMj kivqfvF


- afisP muhMmd

khfxI lihMdy pMjfb qoN / ikwsf gunfh svfb df


- krnl nfidr awlI

afE kMipAUtr iswKIey


- ikrpfl isMG pMnUM

iewk bflVI do pqfsy


- mihMdr isMG srnf

afp dIaF kuwJ bfp dIaF


- jI[ iswDU[ ihMmqpurf

bMigaF ivwc hoey ienklfbI kvI-drbfr dI iewk Jwlk


- sMqoK isMG sMqoK

‘kfl pihr GVIaF’ df kfiv-sMsfr


- zfktr dyivMdr kOr

ky nyVY ky dUir-(Puwl bxy aMigafr)


- gurnfm iZwloN



- rmndIp kOr sMDr

nqfsLf dI VysLmF


- iekbfl mfhl

nIly qfiraF dI mOq


- joigMdr kYroN

imMnI khfxIaF


- ਅਰਸ਼ਦ ਮਹਿਮੂਦ ਨੰਦਨ

kI jfxF mYN kOx


- kulivMdr Kihrf

isznI ivc igafnI sMqoK isMG jI df snmfn


- hrdIp isMG

nO-KMz- ipRQvI


- hrpfl isMG ksUr

ਸ਼ਰਧਾ jF ਅਗਿਆਨਤਾ


- ਗੁਰਸ਼ਰਨ ਸਿੰਘ ਕਸੇਲ

nftk “buwlHf” dI pysLkfrI

quhfzy KLq

The Seerat.ca uses embedded fonts (or dynamic fonts) technology to display Punjabi characters on its Website. This technology is available with the following web browsers:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 5 or Higher

  • Netscape Communicator 4.75 to 4.79
    (Do not use Netscape  6.0 or higher as they do not support Dynamic Fonts)

If however you experience any difficulties in displaying or printing the embedded fonts, please download and install the following Punjabi fonts on your computer.


Step 1. Download the Punjabi Font (SEERAT.TTF). To download now, Click here to download font
Step 2. A Window Opens asking for "Open it from Current Location" or "Save to Disk" - Choose "Save to Disk" and press OK.
Step 3. Choose a location to save the file (SEERAT.TTF). And remember that.
Step 4. After the files get fully downloaded and extracted,
Step 5. Click on FILE>>INSTALL NEW FONT.
Step 6. Choose the location of the font file (SEERAT.TTF) where you stored it during download.

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Step 7. Select the Font SEERAT and press OK.
Step 8. Your Font File (SEERAT.TTF) has been installed now.

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    - On your Internet Explorer, go to Tools>>Internet Options
    - Under Temporary Internet Files, Click on "Delete Cookies".
    - Once that is complete click on "Delete Files"
    - After this, click on "Clear History"
    - Press OK.

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