Welcome to Seerat.ca

mfstr BrpUr isMG


- iekbfl rfmUvflIaf

gurdfxf Zfb


- jrnYl isMG syKf

prvdgfr, apfr byaMq qUM, ijnf pCfqf scu cuMmF pYr mUM.. / kIrqn klf nUM Dfrimk kwtVqf dIaF vlgxF ivwc bMd nhIN kIqf jf skdf.


- blbIr isMG kMvl



- aMimRqpfl isMG ‘KLflsf’

sur isMGIaf BujMgI mfsko c


- amrjIq cMdn

bwbU mfn dy bhfny…


- blivMdr gryvfl

nftk / BUq


- kulivMdr Kihrf

BMzf BMzfrIaf …[mohn BMzfrI


- goovrDn gwbI

eIvfn ielIc dI dUjI mOq


- ajmyr iswDU

bfl-sfihwq : siQqI aqy cuxOqIaF


- drÈn isMG afÈt (zf[)

vgdI ey rfvI


- virafm isMG sMDU

snmfn icMnH


- crnjIq isMG pMnU

'kfkipwt' qoN bfhr bxy rihx df 'qIjI iDr' df pRvcn-'irm iJm prbq'


- blivMdr isMG gryvfl

khfxI ‘irm iJm prbq` nUM pVHidaF


- blkfr isMG

KwtIaF imwTIaF XfdF


- blbIr iskMd

nfvl ‘jflL’ coN klfqimkqf lwBidaF


- AuNkfrpRIq

pfsL XfdgfrI smfgm kYilPLornIaf
(10 julfeI 2010)


- suirMdr DMjl

nfnkf myÜ ryl gwzI


- suKdyv iswDU

pfsL aqy hirMdr isMG mihbUb


- suirMdr DMjl

suwcI ikqfb


- amrjIq cMdn

ieh sB ivgVy hoey muMzy kuVIaF sn


- krm isMG ihstorIan

jdoN KLUn dy ipafsy glLIN lwg ky imly


- hrdIp isMG Kflsf

ryzIE leI avfË-tYst


- iekbfl rfmUvflIaf

koicMg df byimsfl klfkfr
kYroN KyzH ivMg df aQLLlYitks koc: blijMdr isMG


- zf[ suirMdr mMz

duwD dyx vflI mwJ


- bljIq bfsI

crcf ivwc hY srqfj


- kulivMdr Kihrf

vgdI ey rfvI


- virafm isMG sMDU

ijwQoN sUrj AuWgdf hY


- ikrpfl kËfk

ienklfb qF afh KVHY


- aqrjIq

surjIq pfqr


- moinkf kumfr

‘irm iJm prbq’, dy aMg-sMg[[[


- AuNkfrpRIq



- iekbfl rfmUvflIaf



- blbIr iskMd

myrf pfiksqfn


- suKdyv iswDU

aMimRqpfl isMG dy Kq (lyK) df juafb


- suKpfl

myrIaF ilKqF dy ‘svfgq’ df iewk pfsf


- igafnI sMqoK isMG

jMglI ibwlI aqy snoa


- AuNkfrpRIq

vgdI ey rfvI
pMjfbI siBafcfr df gOrv—lfhOr


- virafm isMG sMDU

‘pwcfsI virHaF df jsLn’
(jIvnI: srdfr drsLn isMG)


- hrjIq atvfl

‘myrI dOlq myrIaF icwTIaF’


- myjr mFgt

bwly Eey afDuink zfktro


- govrDn gwbI

BuipMdr pRIq dI kfiv-gUMj


- dyivMdr kOr

Drm aqy ivigafn – iewk ivsLlysLx


- jsdIp isMG guxhIx

 do gLjLlF


- gurmIq KoKr


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  • Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 5 or Higher

  • Netscape Communicator 4.75 to 4.79
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